Gender and Food Security

Gender and Food Security

Designing Gender-Aware Approach to the Food Security Policy

BRIDGE is committed to advance gender equality and women’s rights by focusing on gender mainstreaming in each of its endeavors.

With an aim to obtain gender sensitive Action Plan and the draft law on Food Security, BRIDGE elaborated a consolidated research papers – Gender Analyze of the Food Security Action Plan and the Draft Law on Food Security as well as a Gender-Sensitive Approaches to Nutrition.

With the objective to raise awareness about the importance of gender component in designing the State’s Food Security policy, BRIDGE organized a conference – “Gender and Food Security”  bringing together decision makers, international and non-governmental organizations, researchers in order to exchange and to share their experiences and research results about all aspects of the correlation between gender and food security.

BRIDGE is continuing work with national authorities for informing them better about the existing issues and advocating the gender sensitive approaches to the food security policy in the country.

  • AGAJ