
Advocacy National Forum

Advocacy National Forum

On November 9, 2018 at Betsy’s Hotel at Bridge-Innovation and Development hold Advocacy National Forum.

The meeting was attended by the representatives of Keda, Shuakhevi, Khulo, Dusheti, Tianeti and Telavi municipalities, local government and community members, representatives from Emergency Management Service and project partner organization Black Sea Eco Academy.

Participants of the forum had discussions around the activities implemented in 6 municipalities in terms of the Disaster Risk Reduction Programme funded by DG European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations, highlighted successes, present challenges and discussed the sustainability issue of resource centers created in terms of the project. They agreed to continue the advocacy process with local and national government to maintain existed resource centers operational and ensure tat all results, good practices and models achieved since 2010 till present are replicated, institutionalized and disseminated throughout the country.

The event was held within the project “Institutionalization, replication and dissemination of ECHO DRR interventions in South Caucasus” funded by the European Commission’s Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Department (ECHO)” and implemented in partnershio with Save the Children. The project is implemented in Georgia and Armenia in terms of Disaster Risk Reduction 5th phase and it aims to institutionalize, replicate and disseminate good practices and models of DIPECHO program previous phases in the regions of Georgia

  • AGAJ